
As a specialized media that deals with issues and related articles in the NFT industry, it collects, selects, and transmits numerous news and content generated from various platforms and channels. Beyond simple news transmission, it includes basic knowledge for beginners written by professional writers in the related field, information to understand the project, and analysis based on facts to enhance insight into the overall market.


There is an explanation of terms necessary for users who want to understand the market, basic data and information for NFT trading, trend analysis, and how to use the exchange. With a comfortable and friendly tone, anyone can read and understand easily and comfortably.

Today News

It selects and quickly reports key news, policies, and data in the global Web 3.0 market, including NFT, blockchain, and the metaverse. Based on this news, it provides articles such as 'project information' and 'in-depth analysis' with analyzed trends and keywords.

Project Information

It is a review section of a project that is attracting attention in the market. It is a section that widely shares the worldview of NFTs and provides an overview and information, including basic information easily and concisely.


With articles based on in-depth reviews and analysis data, we transmit useful analysis data to professional users (investors, traders).

SNS (Instagram)

A team including professional marketers handling social media has opened and is operating ‘Nestreenews’ on Instagram (hereinafter referred to as Instagram). The core contents of the main channel operated by Nestree are selected, transformed into card news content suitable for Instagram, and transmitted.

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