Nestree Messenger: Support for Connecting Metamask Wallet to the App
Open NFT Aggregator Website
Launch Nestree Mall Mobile App (Android / iOS)
Develop Integrated Management System for Nestree Shopping Mall
Nestree Messenger: Develop a Gallery to View User-Owned NFT Content
Nestree: Launch Professional NFT News Service
Nestree Calendar: Launch NFT Calendar Service
Increase the Number of Nestree Mall Stores
Additional Listing on an Exchange (Postponed to the Fourth Quarter)
Nestree News: Add News Affiliates
Nestree Metaverse: Sign a Contract with a Partner who can Develop the Metaverse (1 Company)
Nestree App: App Restructuring and Renewal (News, Calendar, Market)
Nestree App: Launch Calendar Subscription Service
Joint NFT Promotions with Content Owners
Launch NFT-only Community Renewal
Nestree App: Launch Project Home (Gather Project Information)
Nestree Metaverse: Open Metaverse Space (In conjunction with The Sandbox’s opening schedule; the timing may change depending on The Sandbox’s opening schedule)
Switch a Portion of the Nestree Mainnet
Connect SNS: Open NFT Promotion Channel
Additional Listing on an Exchange
Last updated 6 months ago